I remember seeing Annie for the first time at the gym I was working out at back then and thinking, “I know she means business”! I had a wedding coming up in 5 months and had just had a baby and had a whopping 50 pounds to lose!!! I knew I would need the help and guidance of a Personal Trainer, so I contacted Annie:)

The thing that I love about Annie is she is real…the results you get are fromhard work and healthy nutrition. She has, to this day, followed through on everything she has ever said to me. She is extremely professional and works  you harder than you think you could ever work!

Her ever famous line of, “not so bad” makes you roll your eyes while working out BUT after your done…it’s so true!

I successfully lost 50 pounds while training with Annie 7 years ago and now 2 more babies later I am lined up to lose another 50 again (darn babies!);) and I know with her by my side, this is possible!

If your looking to get in shape, lose weight, see result….Annie Hoover is your weapon;)

Thanks for years of dedication Annie…you truly are an inspiration with how much you give to what you do!



As a client of both personal training and group classes, I can attest that Annie’s commitment to her clients is consistently above and beyond 100%.  Her determination (and patience) to support others in building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle through nutrition and exercise is invaluable.

Annie’s support provides for safe, effective results and countless long term benefits and I would recommend Annie’s services to anyone, any fitness level. Her energy, expertise, and the personal connections she builds with her clients are powerful in helping to set and achieve goals. Not to mention, it’s fun!!!



Even when I am working through injuries, Annie encourages me to come to class. She provides me with individual modifications to exercises and monitors my progress closely.  With her help, I am able to recover much quicker.  I appreciate all the time she takes to help me!
She really does push me when I would much rather sit at home! Thanks for everything!



Before I started working with Annie my core was so weak that I had constant SI joint pain. With in a month or so of working out with Annie my core was so much stronger and I no longer had any SI joint pain! It is refreshing to workout with someone who is focused on health and strength, and not body image.

Her workouts are challenging (who are we kidding, they are really really tough!) and always changing but somehow they are fun. You get pushed to the limit with each workout but you always leave wanting to come back!

– 🙂 Brooke

Super intense madness at its finest! After a workout, if you’re not laying in a pool of your own sweat w/every muscle in your body burning, then you have not worked out w/ Annie! You will definitely feel like the hour you took out of your day was worth it! “Puke,faint, or die?” You better believe it! And in that order too! I wouldn’t have it any other way! 🙂


Getting a workout w/Annie is not like any other I have ever experienced! It’s extreme, intense, and never the same twice! To truly understand you have to experience it! It is ALWAYS worth every second of your time! It is the only workout that truly gives me results! I battle arthritis, and a bad back, and Annie has helped me get to a place of less pain, more strength! She has taught me how to change my lifestyle to have healthy habits, rather then taking quick fixes w/ diet pills/aides. I am healthier in every way since working out w/Annie! She is the only trainer I have ever known to truly hold each of her clients accountable, and really care if they come to class! She will change you into someone you didn’t think you could be. Everyone should try a workout w/Annie, there is no other workout like it! I promise!!


When I go to any of Annie’s classes I know it will be an hour well spent! When it’s over, you know you had a great workout! Annie makes sure that all of her clients get the most out of their workouts. Her knowledge of fitness and nutrition has helped me reach my own personal fitness goals. Her motivation has pushed me to workout in a way I didn’t think I was capable of! Her classes are ridiculously addicting!!


Annie’s training sessions are not only challenging, they are also fun! Although her definition of “fun” is not quite like anyone else’s! I have been a client for years because I love the results! If you are looking to get fit, improve strength and muscle tone, Annie is the one to get you in the best shape of your life! Best workouts in the Cleveland area!

-Donna sue

I have been training w/Annie for the last 4 years. I am in the construction industry and always thought I was in decent shape, until I started working out w/Annie! She has transformed my body and my conditioning to a place where I never could have imagined. My legs, core, and upper body are the strongest they have been in my lifetime. Annie always pushes me to complete my workout even when I am fatigued. She mixes things up so I am always challenged! I am in the best shape of my life and I owe it all to Annie!


I am no spring chicken, but Annie does not discriminate! She wants everyone to experience the same level of success (pain) no matter how young or old you are! Annie can make a grown man cry!
With that high level of hard work (pain) comes great rewards! It’s been about 4 years since I began working out w/ Annie, and I am in the best shape ever! Annie’s classes have become an addiction for me! I don’t know what else could motivate me to get up at 6:30am on Saturday and Sunday mornings, but I will do anything to avoid missing either of these workouts!
If you really, I mean really want to see an improvement in your energy level and, of course, how your jeans fit, you must experience some of Annie’s “butt-kicking” workouts, to see what I am talking about!


Annie is truly an extremely talented, gifted, and amazing person! I have been working out w/ her for the past 11 years and I can honestly say I have never experienced a workout that can even compare to the effectiveness, quality, and intensity that she provides. I always say that if Annie ever moved away I would have to follow her wherever she goes because nobody will ever compare!! In all honesty though, her workouts have become an essential part of my life and I have attained an amazing level of fitness because of her dedication and commitment to providing exceptional workouts! Thank you Annie!!!


Annie is fantastic!! Her classes are tough, but motivating. She pushes you and encourages you to try things you would never try without her leadership. She helped me lose 50 lbs and becoming fit beyond anything I had ever dreamed I could do! Annie is innovative and will help you with whatever your goals are! I feel blessed to have found her!


I have done many classes and worked out with many trainers over the years and I can honestly say Annie is the best!! She pushes you during each and every workout to accomplish things you didn’t even know you could do. My body changed when I started working out w/her. I have been a runner all my life and saw huge gains on race day after I incorporated Annie into my workout routine. I was amazed at how strong I became. I cannot say enough good things about her classes/workouts. I recommend her to everyone!!


“I am hooked, absolutely hooked on Annie’s workouts!!” I have been part of her group classes for over 3 years and I can never go to another gym or trainer again! In my personal journey and 2 kids later I lost over 100 lbs and I can thank Annie for helping me along my journey to fitness success. I started with her kickboxing classes one day a week, and completely loved the results I was getting with her that I added more of her weight, plyo, and interval classes during the week with even more amazing body transforming results! She pushes you to your limit and shows you that you are much stronger then you think! The hour I spend working out with her is the best hour spent in my day and it’s all for me and my body. Your body becomes stronger, your mind clearer, and nothing compares to the workout you will get when you see her- you will not want to train anywhere else!


As a beginner, the first time I took one of Annie’s classes I thought I was going to die! I will admit it took some courage to attend another class, and now I am addicted! After every workout, I cannot believe how much I did in that 1 hour class! I could not do it without Annie’s motivation and energetic attitude! She really has a passion for what she does. I used to dread working out and now I actually enjoy it, thanks to Annie! The best part is, the results are almost instantaneous, I see new changes in my body every week! I can always feel the muscles that I worked out the next day. I would recommend Annie to anyone that wants a truly intense and challenging workout! I would follow her anywhere!!!


You know you are doing something right when you receive a compliment from a doctor. I had outpatient surgery recently, when I was in pre-op being interviewed w/ all the typical pre-surgery questions like “are you on any medications, being treated for anything like high Blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes etc….” I kept answering NO to everything. The doctor remarked ” you are an unusual patient that we don’t see very often, the perfect patient!” So my husband chimed in on the type of workouts I do. I know that regular exercise is so important to maintain good health!
I first started working out with Annie when she was at another gym and have stayed with her when she established her own business. I really enjoy the variety and how Annie challenges us by changing up the workouts, and the results are the proof! I am in my 50’s and feel as good as when I was in my 20’s!
I enjoy the friendly camaraderie with the others as we continue “kicking it with Annie” or should I say “getting kicked by Annie!” 🙂
